Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Public Notification Plan”

A new regulation, 314 CMR 16.00 Notification Requirements to Promote Public Awareness, was recently enacted by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.  This regulation establishes requirements and procedures for notifying the public of certain types of untreated or partially treated wastewater discharges. 

The Town of Milford Sewer Department works diligently to ensure that the Town’s sewage is conveyed through the sewer system to the wastewater treatment plant.  Untreated or partially treated wastewater discharges into a water body are rare.  This page is to keep the public notified of any Sanitary Sewer Overflow situations.   When a discharge or overflow occurs, the Town of Milford sends out a public advisory notification.  On business days, this website will be updated within 8 hours of the notification.  During weekends or holidays, this website will be updated on the next business day.  

You can also see a list of discharge and overflow events on the MassDEP website  This list is updated within 24 hours of when the public advisory notification is sent.  

The fastest way to get information is to sign up to receive public advisory notifications through Rave Alert Emergency Notification Systems.  To sign up, please visit our webpage home page. This link can be found at the bottom of our home web page,  This notification system has an option to request notifications from the Wastewater Department as well as other emergency notifications. 


Currently there are no notifications.

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